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Where to start with a history of success? The items below are good examples

Biomedical Clinical Cases (elearning)

This 60-hour elearning program, built for Healthcare Learning, was developed to help dental students better understand the real-life application of basic sciences in a dental clinic.  I constructed the case-based approach used within the series, wrote several modules and managed the development of all of the remaining modules. 

NHS Dental Portfolio (web system)

This large-scale web system allows remote supervision of newly qualified dentists in the UK as they work through their first year of foundation training post qualification. It supports more than six user types within a hierarchy and provides reports on progress and clinical experience. I conceived the structure with functional specifications and wireframes for the first and second incarnation of the system. It is currently in use and has been well received.

ICDAS Epi Tool (iPad app)


If you're a dentist in epidemiology, this one is pretty cool.  This app supports research on caries prevalence using the International Caries Detection and Assessment System.  Clinicians examine patients and record their findings. Within the app are graphical reports of the data, which is also securely transmitted and stored on a cloud so aggregated data can be collected and analysed. I conceptualized the functionality, user experience, and ensured it was fit for purpose. 

Moodle & Learning Management Systems

I'm not a big fan of Moodle, but I've overseen many implementations and can provide support for it directly. Moodle is simple and easy to use, but slow in getting there and its lack of multi-tenancy make it a no-go for white labeling jobs. 


I've also designed the functionality and have over-seen the build of two other tailor-made learning management systems for use with post-graduate qualifications and certificated programs.

Optimising Digital Performance (elearning)

This 10-module elearning series was written and developed primarily to increase digital performance of marketeers at a major global pharmaceutical company.  Using subject-matter-expert content, I wrote the modules directly into Articulate Storyline and created a simple style used throughout to keep develpment costs minimised and speed up production time.

Footcare (edetailing)


This 30 minute program was developed to educate pharmacists and support staff about Compeed's new range of blister products. I wrote and developed the program using assets from Johnson and Jonhson and sourced voiceover and music to run within the program.

© 2023 JMonty&Co
Web & eLearning Services

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